Descriptive Information

The means by which the design team describe a building system or component in a manner that enables a specialist

Design Reviews

Reviews of the architectural concept by the client and other project stakeholders to obtain comments and determine whether it meets

Design Studies

Detailed studies that develop aspects of the building, or built asset, further during RIBA Stage 3 (Spatial Coordination).

Design Team

Architects, engineers and technology specialists responsible for the conceptual design aspects and developing these into drawings, specifications and instructions required

Dispute Resolution

The process of resolving disputes between parties involved in a construction project, including mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

Dutch Auction

Process during a competitive tendering scenario in which the tender price for a contract is negotiated down with the tenderers,

Early Warning Notice

An early warning notice (EWN) in relation to quantity surveying is a formal communication tool used in construction projects to

Earned Value Analysis

A method for measuring the progress of a construction project based on the value of the work completed.


The lower edges of the roof that overhang the walls of the building. Eaves usually include soffits and fascia boards,