Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting refers to the process of predicting the inflow and outflow of cash for a construction project over

Cashflow Management

Cashflow management refers to the process of monitoring and controlling the flow of cash into and out of a construction


A demand for something due or believed to be due, usually the result of an action or direction and it


The person or legal entity who pays for the works and services provided.

Client Requirements

A statement or document that defines the project outcomes and sets out what the client is seeking to achieve. It

Collateral Warranty

A collateral warranty is a contract under which a professional consultant (such as an architect), a building contractor or a


A measured item that forms part of a sub-element. The quantity of one or more items will be measured and

Construction Cost

The total cost to construct a project. This value usually does not include the preplanning, site or right of way