Unit Cost

The cost for one measured unit of completed work activity.


The internal angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof surfaces. Valleys channel rainwater to the gutters and can

Value Engineering

A method to improve the value of construction goods, products or services by using and examination of function.  Value, as


Financial adjustments arising from instructions issued in accordance with the contract to vary the contract works.  This may include loss

Variation Account

A variation account in relation to quantity surveying is a record that tracks changes, additions, or omissions to the original

Variation Order

A variation order refers to a formal written document that modifies the scope, quality, or duration of a construction project,

Vesting Certificate

Vesting Certificates can be used as evidence that ownership vests in the client upon payment, defeating third party claims such as

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)

Is the use of integrated multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), Work Processes and Organization