A variation order refers to a formal written document that modifies the scope, quality, or duration of a construction project, which is issued after the contract has been signed. Variation orders can be initiated by either the owner or the contractor and are typically used to accommodate changes in the project’s requirements or specifications.

Variation orders are an essential part of the construction process as they allow project stakeholders to make changes to the project as necessary. However, it’s important to note that variation orders can also impact the project’s timeline, cost, and overall performance.

The process of issuing a variation order typically involves the following steps:

1. Identification of the proposed change to the project scope, quality, or duration.
2. Preparation of a detailed proposal for the variation, including the estimated cost and time impact.
3. Review and approval of the variation proposal by the appropriate project stakeholders, including the owner, contractor, and any relevant third-party consultants.
4. Documentation of the variation in a formal written variation order that is signed by both parties.

Variation orders are an essential part of the construction process and are typically used to accommodate changes in the project’s requirements or specifications. It’s important to manage them carefully to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standard.