Measurement and Payment,  are two interconnected aspects of managing construction contracts that ensure accurate quantification of work completed and the corresponding financial compensation for the contractor.

  1. Measurement: Measurement is the process of quantifying the work completed by the contractor during a specific period or for the entire project. This involves analysing construction drawings, specifications, and site progress reports to determine the actual amount of work done and materials used. The quantity surveyor’s role in this process is to ensure that the measurements are accurate and align with the terms of the contract. The results of the measurement process are typically documented in a document called the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) or Schedule of Rates.
  2. Payment: Payment refers to the process of compensating the contractor for the work completed based on the measurements taken and the agreed-upon rates outlined in the contract. The quantity surveyor is responsible for preparing payment certificates, which detail the value of the work done, any deductions or retentions, and the total amount due to the contractor. The payment certificate serves as a basis for the client to release the funds to the contractor.

Measurement and Payment are essential components of the quantity surveying process, as they help ensure that the contractor is fairly compensated for their work while protecting the client’s interests by verifying that the work completed aligns with the contract specifications. Proper management of Measurement and Payment also helps maintain a transparent and accountable financial relationship between the client and contractor, reducing the likelihood of disputes and promoting successful project delivery.

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