Setting Professional Goals for 2024: A Guide for Quantity Surveyors

QS Goals 2024

As we embark on 2024, it’s an ideal moment to define our professional aspirations, especially tailored for the dynamic field of Quantity Surveying. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or just beginning your journey, the objectives outlined here will set the stage for a prosperous year.

1. Expand Your Professional Network

Networking is invaluable in our field. This year, aim to broaden your professional circle. Engage in industry events, join professional bodies, or participate in online forums. A great starting point is to create a LinkedIn profile, following industry peers and organizations. Networking paves the way for new opportunities and insights.

2. Organize and Plan Your Workday More Efficiently

Efficiency in our daily tasks is key. Focus on enhancing your work processes, whether it involves adopting systematic approaches or improving quality control measures. Enhancing accuracy in cost estimations and project management is essential. A simple yet effective initial step is to organize your email system, making daily communication smoother.

3. Start or Complete Your Chartership Journey

Gaining chartership is a noble goal. It symbolizes professional excellence and industry recognition. Chartership from bodies like RICS or CICES can lead to global opportunities, thanks to their international acclaim. If global work isn’t your target, chartership still elevates your role as a Quantity Surveyor through continuous professional development and adherence to ethical standards. Begin by exploring the RICS & CICES websites and check out our content on these institutions.

Understanding construction law and contract management is crucial. Consider enrolling in specialized courses or workshops. This knowledge is vital for effective project management and risk mitigation. Stay tuned to our weekly videos for continual learning, ensuring you’re always up to date.

5. Seek New Employment Opportunities

If you’re contemplating a career move, focus on finding a position that aligns with your goals. This could be for various reasons like seeking new challenges, skill development, relocation, or better compensation. Start by updating your CV, tailoring it to specific job requirements, and ensuring it’s comprehensive and visually appealing.

To support these goals, we’ve launched Metroun Learning, a comprehensive Quantity Surveying education platform. It includes an AI model for contract administration, the QS dictionary, construction converters, industry-ready excel templates, and over 30+ hours of formal CPD education.

There you have it – five impactful goals to propel your Quantity Surveying career forward and make a positive impact on our industry. Which goal resonates with you the most? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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