7 Simple Reasons A Quantity Surveyor Can Save You Time, Money & Heartache.

When you need a sink installed, you hire a Plumber. When your car needs a repair, you hire a mechanic. But when you’ve got a construction project, most people tend to manage their own budgets and do their own measurements. At times this works out fine, but in the majority of cases, especially when the build is complex, the construction takes longer which leads to more money required to finish the job; inevitably ending in heartache.

What I’m trying to say is that if a Quantity Surveyor managed the budgets, performed the measurements and was involved in the programme management, these events are less likely to occur. There’s a saying in the industry that I hear on a consistent basis;

“A Quantity Surveyor should be able to pay for themselves”.

In reality, that means the savings they make on the project should outweigh the cost of hiring them. Here’s 7 simple reasons why you should hire a qualified, professional and experienced Quantity Surveyor…

1) They Are Experts In Measurement & Cost Estimation

How Will It Affect My Project?

As you undertake your building or construction project, it is important to undertake accurate cost estimates and measurements. This will ensure you procure the right amount of material (plus calculating how much potential wastage) and have an accurate set of costs prior to the works commencing. Using this information you can judge whether quotations received are to standard and at a reasonable cost

What Metroun Offer

Our measurements and estimates can be used to complete a Bill of Quantities which are given to builders and trades who are tendering to provide the services for you. A Bill of Quantities standardises what is required on the project and makes life easier for the tenderer providing the works. They know exactly what is required and simply have to put their price against the item mentioned. We can then collectively examine the tenders, contact the suppliers to rectify any discrepancies and select the most appropriate option.

2) They Manage Contracts Effectively

How Will It Affect My Project?

Prior to starting any project, you will either knowingly or unknowingly be entering into a contract. Usually the size of the project determines the contract type. With smaller projects, you will receive a quote and if accepted, you agree to the supplier’s terms and conditions. With larger projects you would usually enter into a more standardised contract such as NEC or JCT.

Usually throughout the life of your project you may come across variations, defective works, planning and environmental concerns, delays and more. To help mitigate these risks, it is important to properly study the suppliers contracts and to have a properly maintained and well-drafted contract that protects your interests.

What Metroun Offer

During the tender stage, we would actively consult with the suppliers and raise issues with them over contract clauses that could unfairly affect you, however we can recommend experts in the building & construction field who can provide legal contracts at an affordable rate. This means the contract power would be in your hands. Following the preparation of a well-drafted contract, we can help manage your contractual rights and obligations. Should an issue arise, we would consult the contract and consult your advisors (with your permission).

3) Cost Management & Budgeting Is What They Do Everyday

How Will It Affect My Project?

A successful project relies on effective cost management and budgeting. Once the tenders have been agreed and the budget estimates have been completed a Quantity Surveyor will consistently be looking at the cost of the project, whether this be the projected monthly cost or unexpected cost which needs to be accounted for. A Quantity Surveyor will update you on an agreed basis with how the cost of the project is progressing and if they feel changes need to occur in order to stay on budget. The project needs to be planned properly in order for this phase to work effectively.

What Metroun Offer

When you come to us with your planes and explain what you have done to date, we will identify any gaps which we recommend you should investigate. We will undertake a comprehensive analysis of your project so we know how to manage the cost through the projects life. We will provide you with cost updates on an agreed basis and ensure that all variations are properly accounted for understanding that timely communication is required to ensure all parties mutually understand the next steps.

4) An Extra Set of Eyes

How Will It Affect My Project?

We’ve all heard the stories of owners and developers being subject to the malpractices of builders and trades. A Quantity Surveyor will provide an additional filter to ensure you don’t need get ripped off.

What Metroun Offer

At Metroun, we will identify things you have missed, call out people when they overpromise, scrutinise quotations and proposals and seek resolutions. We plan to make your project a positive experience ensuring all preventable hurdles are overcome prior to the commencement of works.

5) A Must-Have When It Comes To Dispute Resolution

How Will It Affect My Project?

Unfortunately, disputes are likely to occur during the life of the project. However, if a project is well-managed with clearly expressed expectations, there should be minimal room for error.

What Metroun Offer

In the event of a dispute, we are capable in negotiating and mediating parties concerns seeking a resolution that provides a win-win scenario for all the stakeholders involved. Using our skills, experience and industry know-how we can enhance your bargaining position.

6) Final Account Preparation

How Will It Affect My Project?

As you near the end of your project, its important that you carefully prepare the final accounts. Relying on the final invoices from your builder can be a risk affair as they might include additional cost or unexpectedly apply for costs after the project has been completed. A Quantity Surveyor will draft the final accounts for each supplier and ensure that all parties are content with the final costs. Once signed by all parties, no additional cost can be requested unless stated otherwise in the contract (for example, faulty work undertaken by the supplier discovered following Final Account)

What Metroun Offer

We will carefully assess the completed project, conduct measurements and check invoices from the suppliers to ensure the final accounts are fair. We will also factor in any variations, defective works and other differences in our assessment.

7) Support When You Need It

How Will It Affect My Project?

A construction project can be complicated if you are left to do all the research, paperwork, due diligence, estimation, measurement and much more. To help take the estimation and measurement completely off your list and assist with other matters, an experienced and qualified Quantity Surveyor can provide the advice and assurance you need.

A Quantity Surveyor can also provide knowledge and experience of the building and construction industry ensuring you have immediate access to those skills and all the benefits that go along with it.

What Metroun Offer

Our experienced Quantity Surveyors have a vast array of knowledge encompassing many areas within the construction industry including Highways, Infrastructure, Utilities, Domestic and much more. We do not want you to be misled when you commence your project so we provide all necessary guidance as required.

See our video below on How A Quantity Surveyor Can Save You Time, Money & Heartache.

Call the team today on 01635 299069 or email us at support@metroun.co.uk to find out how we can help ensure your project runs smoothly.

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