MRICS Pathway for Quantity Surveyors Explained

One of the most prestigious institutions offering chartership for Quantity Surveyors is RICS. We’re going to breakdown the competency requirements for the Quantity Surveyor pathway.

Your RICS submission will consist of 3 main elements: Your CPD log, your competencies & your case study. We’re looking into the competencies & specifically the Quantity Surveying pathway.

Competencies are broken down into 3 sections: Mandatory, Core & Optional. And within these section the individual competencies are allocated different levels, 1 2 & 3.

For level 1 you must provide a statement of learning – how you gained the knowledge and understanding. This should link to any relevant CPD in your CPD record.

For level 2 you must provide a statement of the range of experience you have achieved and include real-life project/process examples.

For level 3 you must provide a detailed statement of advice given and include real-life project/process examples where you have personally given advice.

Mandatory Competencies

Level 03 – Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism

Level 02 – Communication and negotiation

Level 02 – Client care

Level 02 – Health and safety

Level 01 – Conflict avoidance, management, and dispute resolution procedures

Level 01 – Accounting principles and procedures

Level 01 – Business planning

Level 01 – Diversity, Inclusion and teamworking

Level 01 – Inclusive environments

Level 01 – Data management

Level 01 – Sustainability

Core Competencies

Level 03 – Project Finance

Level 03 – Commercial management

Level 03 – Quantification and costing

Level 03 – Contract practice

Level 03 – Construction technology and environmental services

Level 03 – Procurement & tendering

Optional Competencies

Level 02 – Contract administration

Level 02 – Risk Management

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