Course Additions To Metroun Learning

At Metroun Learning, we believe in constant growth and endless learning possibilities.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our commitment to expanding your learning opportunities – every single month!

On the 14th of every month, we upload new and engaging content so you are always up to date and informed with the latest happenings in Quantity Surveying & Construction.

Additions In 2025

Over 1 hour of additional CPD added during the month of February

Course: How The Base Date Affects Projects

Course: FIDIC Core Clauses

Course: Express vs Implied Terms

Additions In 2024

2024 has been an incredible year of growth for Metroun Learning. At the close of 2023, our platform offered 30.3 hours of formal CPD content. Thanks to consistent monthly updates throughout 2024, we’ve now expanded this to an impressive 50 hours—an increase of 19.7 hours, providing even greater value to our learners.

Additions In 2023

Early July in 2023, we released Metroun Learning as a platform with 24 hours of formal CPD available. Since then, we’ve uploaded 19 new courses/lessons to the platform amounting to an additional 6.34 hours of formal CPD.  In total, at the end of 2023, Metroun Learning had 30.3 hours of Formal CPD available.