Construction Methods of Measurement – NRM2

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) have developed and published a suit of documents titled the New Rules of Measurement or NRM for short. There are 3 volumes that make up the New Rules of Measurement, NRM 1, NRM 2 & NRM 3. This blog is going to provide a summary of what NRM 2 is and what it was developed for. If you would like to obtain a brief overview of the history of methods of measurement for construction and a brief overview of the 3 NRM volumes that are used today, then please takea look at our “construction methods of measurement – explained” video and blog that can be found on this website or Youtube. NRM 2 is titled: “Detailed measurement for building works” and deals with Bill of Quantities (BoQs), all aspects of them! So, if you do not know what a Bill of Quantities is or the benefits ofthem, then we would highly recommend watching our “Bill of Quantities explained” video or reading our blog for a brief overview. But, to speed things up, the main purpose of a Bill of Quantities is to provide a list of items alongside their descriptions and quantities, that are required to complete a construction project. Contractors & Subcontractors are then able to attribute their price to each aspect of the works – resulting in a total cost for the construction project. NRM 2 replaced the Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works in 2013, which was also published
Construction Methods of Measurement – NRM 1

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) have developed and published a suit of documents titled the New Rules of Measurement (NRM). There are 3 main New Rules of Measurement, NRM1, NRM2 & NRM3. This particular blog is going to focus on NRM 1 and provide a summary of what it is and what it was developed for. If you would like to obtain a brief overview of the history of methods of measurement for construction and a brief overview of the 3 NRM volumes that are used today, then please takea checkout our “construction methods of measurement – explained” video on youtube or take a look at the blog on our website under the same name. NRM1 is the order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works. The first edition was